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I am a passionate and dedicated designer with a strong background in visual communication. I specialize in creating visually appealing and functional designs for web and mobile interfaces and have a strong understanding of user experience (UX) principles. I am constantly seeking new challenges and opportunities to grow as a designer, and am excited to share my work with you. Here you will find a selection of my recent projects, ranging from logo design to full-scale web design. I hope you enjoy exploring my portfolio and please don't hesitate to reach out with any questions or if you would like to discuss a potential project.

brand/logo design

Off The Bat Logo.png

I have had the opportunity to work on a wide range of projects, but one of my favorites is creating logos. I have worked with numerous clients to develop symbols that serve as the foundation for their brands. These projects have allowed me to exercise my creativity and problem-solving skills, and I have enjoyed seeing my designs come to life in the real world.


In addition to developing visual identities that serve as the foundation for their brands, I have also worked on creating cohesive product designs that align with the overall brand image and message. My skills in user experience (UX) and user interface (UI) design allow me to create functional and visually appealing products that meet the target audience's needs.

web design

I am passionate about web design, with expertise in front-end platforms like Managed WordPress, Wix, and Shopify. I have a keen eye for detail and a passion for creating intuitive and engaging user experiences.



Screenshot 2023-01-06 at 7.19.58 PM.png is my latest project that focuses on using automation and AI in the design process. Using machine-learning tools by OpenAI and other applications, I am able to create and sell unique t-shirts while also experimenting with how technology can enhance the design process. In addition to building my portfolio and supporting other artists who use digital technology to express themselves, I am also introducing myself to the world of e-commerce and learning how to effectively use platforms like Shopify.

Screen Shot 2022-05-20 at 2.27.55 PM.png

Another notable project is Pub & Paint, a Managed WordPress site with a wide range of features and integrations. The site included ticketing, marketing, API integrations, bulk discount code generation, forms and surveys, and custom-build features such as difficulty ratings for events and animations. Not only did design the sales, graphics, UI, and marketing platforms, I supported dozens of talented artists who helped provide with a well-received 5-year bout of large-format interactive events for more than 150k customers throughout major cities in Maryland, USA, and this project was a major learning experience for me, and it spawned multiple sister sites for various services.

Screenshot 2023-01-06 at 4.20.17 PM.png is my latest project and has been more than just a simple website design - it was an experiment in pushing boundaries and testing the limits of technology use within the design thinking process. Through this project, I am able to showcase my skills and make myself think outside the box.

mobile design

my focus in mobile design is to create intuitive and visually appealing interfaces that enhance the user experience. i have had the opportunity to work on a variety of mobile design projects, including the dropat file-sharing app and the emvee timesheet app.

For dropat, I worked on the app's layout and overall visual aesthetic, as well as designing the user interface for the app's various features. i used tools like sketch and Figma to create wireframes and prototypes, and conducted usability testing to ensure that the app was easy to navigate and use.

for emvee, i used similar tools and techniques to design the app's layout and user interface. i also focused on creating clear and concise labeling and instructions to make the app as user-friendly as possible.

print design

I have created a range of materials for various clients, including marketing materials, brochures, banners, signs, and more. In addition to traditional print marketing, I have experience creating limited-edition artwork prints. Recently, I have also been exploring t-shirt design through qb. My portfolio showcases the diversity of my print design work and my ability to create practical and visually appealing designs for various purposes.

Puff and Paint Banner 2017 Large.jpeg
Pub & Paint Menu Large.jpeg
Bill Batemans Poster Large.jpeg

Contact me directly to discuss your specific needs and how I can help bring your vision to life through creative, effective print materials. I look forward to the opportunity to work with you and help your business or project stand out with high-quality, visually appealing print designs. 

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