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Empathizing with Users: A Case Study in UX Design for a Timesheet App


This case study delves into the design process behind the development of a timesheet app for a fictional music venue. The goal of the app is to allow users to spend less time managing their timesheets and more time focusing on their work.


Throughout the case study, you'll learn about the various research and design techniques used to create a user-centric solution, including empathy mapping, user interviews, competitive audits, and usability testing. The case study also covers the creation of personas, user journeys, wireframing, prototyping, and the development of a high-fidelity design.


By reading this case study, you'll gain a deeper understanding of the design process and how to create a user-friendly app that meets the needs of its users. Additionally, you'll learn about the challenges and lessons learned throughout the project, as well as what the future holds for the Emvee EZ - Timesheet App. So sit back, relax, and let's dive into the world of UX design!

Emvee Timesheet App by Brady Starr

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