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brady starr

digital product designer /

my mission: improve the quality of people's time by curating meaningful experiences through creativity and wonder

the approach i use identifies people's actual values through research to empathize and understand their needs and apply it to a design.

  thank you for reaching out!  
  i'll be in touch soon 😊   

my process involves:



working with product teams to achieve business goals



building prototypes and testing functionality with real people


information architecture



formatting a big picture and planning the flow of interactions users take

identifying problems

& opportunities to improve

root cause analysis to build a better bigger picture



presenting ideas visually


design thinking

using research to design delightful interactions


product development

continuing product research and implementing solutions as technology trends evolve


coaching others

developing UX skills and understanding throughout teams

in the works... is my exciting initiative that focuses on using technology, specifically machine learning tools such as Dalle.2 and ChatGPT, to enhance and streamline the creative process within the design industry. I can generate unique and innovative design ideas by utilizing these cutting-edge technologies, prototype and test out new concepts quickly, and create more efficient and effective processes. Not only does this lead to the production of one-of-a-kind designs, but it also hopes to empower and supports artists within the community. In addition, the incorporation of machine learning has allowed qb to push the boundaries of fashion and design, and the team is constantly exploring new ways to utilize these tools in the future.

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